Scott Cole Blog
Coming soon to a screen near you! Yes, it's Shelly's big news!
Odd Squad returns to CBBC soon with new UK headquarters and agents, one of those being our own Shelly as Captain O!
Odd Squad returns to CBBC this autumn with new UK headquarters and agents. And one of those agents is our very own Shelly as Captain O, the boss of the whole kit and caboodle! Having gone through 6 agonising rounds of self-tapes and auditions spanning 2 months, Shelly finally landed the role in June 2023. She had loads of fun filming over the summer months and early autumn, not to mention numerous ADR sessions at the end of last year and during January after Captain O was chosen to voice extra bits and bobs. Whilst we still have to patiently wait a few more months to see the series go live, the recent premiere at BBC Television Centre proves the show, and our Shelly, are going to be amazing!